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British Pool Federation
Posted on Wednesday, July 11 2012 @ 04:43:14 UTCby admin
British Pool Federation Britain’s only American Pool Federation 15 Cyprus Road Cambridge CB1 3QA www.britishpoolfederation.co.uk Download Standard Membership - Small PDF file Download the Membership Form - Small PDF file Download the Membership Rules - Small PDF file
Wednesday 11 July 2012
 Dear all,
I am pleased to announce the beginning of a new era in British American pool, for the first time we now have an affiliated federation.
As from 1st January 2012 the European Pocket Billiard Federation kindly accepted our application to become an EPBF member and have therefore recognised us as Britain’s only American pool federation.
Without the federation British players would be unable to compete in European and world events that are sanctioned by the WPA and the EPBF, any player that wishes to compete at these events will have to be a member of the BPF (British Pool Federation).
Membership is on a yearly basis and runs from the 1st January and expires 31st December, there are three types of membership, PLATINUM, GOLD and SILVER.

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 PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP allows the member to compete in all WPA and EPBF sanctioned events
GOLD MEMBERSHIP allows the member to participate in a maximum of five WPA and EPBF sanctioned events
SILVER MEMBERSHIP allows the member to participate in a maximum of three WPA and EPBF sanctioned events.
In the last few months a lot of hard work has been put into this and people adding their spare time for free so we should all say a big thank you to all of the people that have made this federation possible, Daryl Peach, Mark Gray, Ian Walker and Sam Laing, as without this federation a lot of players playing careers would be in major doubt. Each and every one of us is willing to undertake responsibilities to further enhance the sport of American pool throughout Great Britain.
We believe that a rock solid foundation is the key to success in all areas, not only will the youth, amateurs, women and wheelchair players reap the benefits but also the professional players too, basically the more players at the bottom of the ladder the stronger our game will be all the way through.
Of course this will take some time and we are under no illusions as to how hard it will be, which is why we need every player, whether it be amateur or pro pulling in the right direction, for now we have set ourselves some goals to achieve in the next couple of years.
Our first goal is send players to the European Championships each year, also we intend to organise every year a UK championships, this will allow us to fund players attending the Euros.
Another goal that we have set is to get more youngsters involved with the game, as we said before the more players playing our game the brighter our future will be; we plan to visit schools up and down the nation in a bid to encourage the youth and hopefully find the next generation of American pool players. I would like to say a big thank you to GB9 who have been able to lend their support to the federation.
Best regards,
Richard Jones President British Pool Federation

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