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Author Event 1 GB9 Midlands Classic

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 16:03

panther the reason i say the prize money needs increasing is because no tournament will ever be successful when you have to get to the final to make any money, im sure the likes of souquet arnt going to travel to the uk for £200 quarters of the main event £2000 for the winner is not enough to encourage people to joint gb9

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 16:41

Yeah agree with that but I think the key is making it cheaper somehow, not easy to do though.

Dont see the value for guys like Souqet at all but we need to encourage more average players rather than the top Europeans if we want the tour to grow imo.

With no added money you will end up with the top guys playing for each others money which isnt going to work and the reality is the events are unlikely to have added money anytime soon especially considering the set up costs of the tournaments

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 20:24

On 2013-02-25 16:41 , panther Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Yeah agree with that but I think the key is making it cheaper somehow, not easy to do though.

Dont see the value for guys like Souqet at all but we need to encourage more average players rather than the top Europeans if we want the tour to grow imo.

With no added money you will end up with the top guys playing for each others money which isnt going to work and the reality is the events are unlikely to have added money anytime soon especially considering the set up costs of the tournaments

Agreed. The balance between big wins to encourage the big boys and a cheap entry to encourage the lesser players is a tough one to get right...

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 20:44

I have the answer!

Let's start with scrapping the challenge event, this will obviously put a decent wedge more into the main event, Also to make things a bit less intense just play down to the last 16 on the Saturday.
This will leave a lot of people unhappy with nothing to do on the Sunday and will be questioning why they have to stay the extra night... The answer is simple put a tournament on still with £10 entry simular to the fliers but make them a race to 5! possibly put around £200 into the pot just to boost interest...


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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 20:57

From what I've seen and read, the hotel price is an issue, you can book the hotel in Telford for £50 for a twin on the same nights,(I know I checked online and the phone) and I know why it's 89, because there are tour costs to be met. Maybe reducing the hotel costs to 70 per person per wend may get more of an entry
The big fish little fish is the real issue, you have to find a balance, too many big fish and they kill or ward off the little fish, result all the top guys playing for their own and each others money,, and no one wins, the big prize is too get sponsors that will add money, but boy is that tough in this economy, but hopefully onwards and upwards as there needs to be value, as you needed to get to the QF in the main event to cover fees and hotel, that's too much of a stretch.

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eurotour30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 23:18

On 2013-02-25 14:20 , BigDave Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

All my photos are available to download here...
73 photos in total - if you see less than this it's because they are currently still uploading

...They are unedited, and many are blurry - but they're free, and I can only publish the best of them in the article, so if you want to see more, here they are!



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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-26 08:54

Hi all,

Another great weekend by the sound of it and well done to all involved. Never easy changing venues & format. I for one was envious i wasn't there and followed the whole weekend via live stream and live scoring without any issues.

Brilliant win for Phil Burford with a such high standard of opponent....Well done.

I'm a bit surprised by some of the comments about the challenge. I realised last year when the format change was announced that the challenge was little more than a plate competition in place to pacify those who ‘make the numbers up’. With the main event now so heavily weighted towards the 'elite' players, everyone else is in reality playing to barely cover their fees. The quality and standard of the last eight last weekend just emphasized that.

I know a few individuals might not agree but how often are even the very top challenge players from previous seasons going to consistently beat the likes of Ralf Souquet, Chris Melling, Phil Burford, Tony Drago, Raj, Daryl, Kev Uzzell, Ozzy etc. Even the likes of Kelly Fisher went out after 4 B&R's against Karl Boyes. This just shows the standard that's joined up. It's no coincidence a number of ‘club standard’ players have dropped out and more top players have joined, they've joined because it’s weighted in their favour....simple.

Before anyone jumps down my throat…..I think the tour is an absolute credit to the organizers and brilliantly organized. I thoroughly enjoyed the season I played (just not the results!! Lol) and hope the tour is massively successful, however the only way I can see this happening is to grow the numbers by encouraging people back and making it better value to the majority and not just the 'elite'.

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2013-02-26 09:10

the problem is without the big fish your never going to get sponsers involved and the tour cant go any further its going to be stuck at 104 players, theres thousands of snooker players and 8 ball players would change to 9 ball if the money was any good

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-26 11:12

yeah but the top players are always going to play if there is any money to be won. I dont think the sponsors are massively important with where the tour is just now, I cant remember exactly from the accounts but I dont think the sponsors generated a huge amount of money?

The point is virtually no players actually make decent money from the tour so why make it so expensive to play in? Surely if the majority lose money the answer is to minimise those loses?

The tour is superbly run but the cost to play and value for money is the thing holding it back imo. 104 players isnt enough with the current structure

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2013-02-26 14:35

if you want to attract more players the old format was the best because lower players believed they had a chance in the challenge with no top players in it, if your a weaker player now with the ranking system how it is whats the point in paying £300 for a weekend when you could have 3 top players in a row and only win about 6 racks all weekend, its chicken and egg you need the top players to get top sponsers to pay better money to have more entries

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2013-02-26 15:54

I have to agree with enigma to be honest, If you leave the system as it is you will get around the same numbers of entries at each event and even a few players might drop off.
You are not going to get many more entries from around these shores I feel.

I see the Eurotour has around 170 entries this week and you have got to really go down this route to get the Europeans to come over and compete but if the format and prize structure stays as it is I can't see this happening.

If you had a similar prize breakdown as the Eurotour then alot more snooker, english pool players and regular European Eurotour players will be entering if the reward was there but unfortunately the prize breakdown and expence of travelling from Europe will be putting players off.

With more top name players playing this will only add to the tour and can't really see this as putting off the lower ranked players to be honest as I'm sure they would relish the chance to play against players such as Van den berg, Souquet etc, It would also attract sponsorship from outside if we can get these players over and take the tour to the next level,

Just my own personal opinion,


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europe    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2013-02-26 20:38


From... OB Cues

Congratulations to OB Pro Phil Burford who won the 2013 GB9 Midlands Classic this past Sunday, February 24th 2013 by defeating Ralf Souquet in the final 11-10.

Phil was up 6-5 in a race to 11 with alternate break when Ralf won 4 straight to lead 9-6. Phil then won the next 2 games to only trail by 1 game 9-8, then Ralf won the next game to get to the hill 10-8. However, Phil had the break at this point and he broke and ran out to get to 10-9, then Ralf broke dry and Phil ran out to tie the match at 10-10. Phil then broke and made a ball and then shot the 1 and 2 but left himself tough on the 3 ball, he elected to play safe and locked Ralf up tight on a ball, Ralf kicked 2 rails at the 3 ball that was hanging in the pocket and missed it by a hair giving Phil ball in hand and Phil then ran out to win the 2013 GB9 Midlands Classic, playing with an OB Classic......Congratulations Phil!

You can watch the final again here...


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[ This message was edited by: BigDave on 2013-02-26 20:55 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-27 21:19

what was with the dress code this weekend? i noticed 1 player wearing jogging bottoms and trainers, don't think i'd of been allowed to play if i wore that??

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-27 23:11

Its a brilliant match to watch. Just watched it back myself and the turning point was defo the safety Ralf played on the 2 ball where he was a little unfortunate to catch the 3 and leave it on. From there Phil seized the chance and played perfection.

Any amateur wanting to improve their game needs to watch this final.

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-27 23:12

On 2013-02-27 21:19 , rc Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

what was with the dress code this weekend? i noticed 1 player wearing jogging bottoms and trainers, don't think i'd of been allowed to play if i wore that??

Who is that question addressed to? If it addressed to me I think you know my email address ;)

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-27 23:20

BTW the shot Phil plays on the 5 ball at 10-9 under that pressure was ridiculous.

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-28 23:51

I thought a certain snooker player ( drago ) :) looked like he was about to go to the gym the way he was dressed not play a game of pool :)

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2013-03-01 10:56

On 2013-02-25 20:44 , simmo77 Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

I have the answer!

Let's start with scrapping the challenge event, this will obviously put a decent wedge more into the main event, Also to make things a bit less intense just play down to the last 16 on the Saturday.
This will leave a lot of people unhappy with nothing to do on the Sunday and will be questioning why they have to stay the extra night... The answer is simple put a tournament on still with £10 entry simular to the fliers but make them a race to 5! possibly put around £200 into the pot just to boost interest...


I think thats a great idea kev, quite a few people i spoke to were considering travelling home on saturday night and not bothering with the challenge. Take the money from the challenge and put it in the main event (which is the real reason we are all there), and theb hold a 10/20 quid entry comp on the sunday for the people that want it, just as kevsaid. To me the challenge had the feel of a flyer/plate event anyway.

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posticon   Posted: 2013-03-01 12:44

On 2013-02-27 23:12 , Riggers Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

On 2013-02-27 21:19 , rc Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

what was with the dress code this weekend? i noticed 1 player wearing jogging bottoms and trainers, don't think i'd of been allowed to play if i wore that??

Who is that question addressed to? If it addressed to me I think you know my email address ;)

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posticon   Posted: 2013-03-03 18:29

double standards it should be the same dresscode for everyone. next time i play at the event i am going to play in my jeans and hoody. prizemoney only benefits the winner and runner up of the main event so that is all that is worth playing for. £40 Petrol, £82 for your room, then your entry fee and then your expenses for food and drink!!! so if you win the challenge you would probably profit around £100 notes so things need to change and quickly.

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