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Author Event 1 GB9 Midlands Classic

Just can't stay away
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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 10:06

what was the new format ??

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 10:14

Sorry for the problems with our website. We have a gold hosting package but it seems this event generated a huge amount of traffic to our site causes us to exceed our bandwidth limits. I'm fuming about this. Can you imagine if you missed a payment on your electricity bill by a couple of days and then found they cut your supply? It would never happen but it seems web hosts don't care what damage they do to your business.

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 10:47

Another great weekend at GB9. Fair play to Burford the guys an absolute robot. I'm not too sure about the format, specifically the challenge. Having to stay all day Sunday for a few hundred quid just simply isn't worth it IMO. As Wildman said, it's event 1 and I'm sure the GB9 team will iron out any issues :-) top work lads.

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 10:55

Sounds like a brilliant weekend - What a shame about the Streaming issues - I perservered with it and even called SKY Broadband to test my connection - It wasnt good watching it itermittently for 10seconds

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 11:50

My broadband isn't great due to living in middle of nowhere, but I watched loads of it on ustream on my iPad with no problems.
Excellent coverage of an excellent event, keep up the good work gb9

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 11:54

A few people mentioned the thing about waiting around to play Challenge for £300 to £400. But I don't get the logic here.

You are playing such a high standard tournament on class tables in a great venue right in the middle of the country. Many of you would drive to e.g. Rack n Roll or Mickey Flyns to play a one day event on a Sunday for the same prize money or less. So why is our Sunday Challenge Cup any different? Is it because you all just want to get home? Why? If you invest so much in this weekend, which only happens 5 times a year why would you be so quick to get home rather than play out teh Challenge Cup? Would you win more in one of your one day events in Morley for example Mark?

Just my thoughts.

Regarding the stream this is a real strange one because many people are telling us it was fantastic and even we watched it back from the venue using the hotel internet and it looked pretty good. We can change the settings next time to reduce the quality a little so people are less likely to expereience issues but we thought it would be nice to stream at high quality and take advantage of the excellant upload bandwidth provided by the venue.

[ This message was edited by: Riggers on 2013-02-25 11:55 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 11:58

On 2013-02-25 10:55 , SDAVISON Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Sounds like a brilliant weekend - What a shame about the Streaming issues - I perservered with it and even called SKY Broadband to test my connection - It wasnt good watching it itermittently for 10seconds

There's no need to contact Sky Broadband - you just use a speed checker. It could be your device or browser thats the problem. e.g. Did you use a PC, Tablet or Phone? If PC which browser? Did you try different browsers? If tablet or phone did you use the UStream App?

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 12:03

I came down as a spectator on the Sunday and was impressed with what I saw. I think it maybe worth trying to get spectator seating round 3 sides of the streamed table but apart from that the set-up and layout was good. Ralf said before the final he didn't have time to eat in between games. Genius!

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 12:31

On 2013-02-25 11:54 , Riggers Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

A few people mentioned the thing about waiting around to play Challenge for £300 to £400. But I don't get the logic here.

You are playing such a high standard tournament on class tables in a great venue right in the middle of the country. Many of you would drive to e.g. Rack n Roll or Mickey Flyns to play a one day event on a Sunday for the same prize money or less. So why is our Sunday Challenge Cup any different? Is it because you all just want to get home? Why? If you invest so much in this weekend, which only happens 5 times a year why would you be so quick to get home rather than play out teh Challenge Cup? Would you win more in one of your one day events in Morley for example Mark?

Just my thoughts.

Regarding the stream this is a real strange one because many people are telling us it was fantastic and even we watched it back from the venue using the hotel internet and it looked pretty good. We can change the settings next time to reduce the quality a little so people are less likely to expereience issues but we thought it would be nice to stream at high quality and take advantage of the excellant upload bandwidth provided by the venue.

For me it just seems like a step in the wrong direction. I think the challenge should have some prestige to it, it felt like a plate comp to me with it being race to 6 it just feels like its been brushed to one side as a "losers" comp.

Maybe I'm wrong, but its not worth holding up a car full of 5 to win a plate comp, when realistically, losing in the final, I'm still going to lose money for the weekend... The only way to take home a small profit is by winning and not getting home till its nearly Monday!

[ This message was edited by: The_Lunn on 2013-02-25 12:33 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 12:31

The event was once again run smoothly by the GB9 guys who always do a grand job so well done to them.

I think the Sunday scheduling wouldn't be that much of an issue if we still had access to our rooms because we could relax there for 3-4 hours or whatever the gap was. I know that we have to check out by 12pm and that's fair enough but us pool players just want to play pool so a 3-4 hour gap on the final day isn't ideal. I'm not sure what other people's thoughts are on this.

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 12:45

great venue and well run main comp , i think the challenge should be scrapped and the money added to the main , the challenge cup now is just the losers plate , i waited nearly 6 hours for my second match and got £60 for the quarters , if were going to get the euro players , snooker and 8 ball pool players interested needs to be better money in the main

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 12:52

in my opinion the challenge could of started on Saturday night. I was in the main and played from 3pm on Saturday on/off on/off on/off and had I of won the match I lost I would of been straight back on again I finished my last match about 10.30pm therefore no time to eat or anything from 3pm. where as if the challenge had of started Saturday the main could of been broken up a little bit. My reward for ggetting to the last 16 was no pool on the Sunday which felt like a punishment. Just my opinion which I have put to the committee, like I said earlier tho event 1 was never going to be perfect with new format ect.
[ This message was edited by: wildman147 on 2013-02-25 12:53 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 13:01

that makes good sense phil could play the challange and the main to the quaurters on sat night start

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 13:14

I think you all make valid points and Phil, there was a lot of reasoning behind the match schedule but on reflection I think you are absolutely right and that reasoning was flawed.

I can assure you all feedback is welcome and we do read and act upon it. I won't respond further in this thread for obvious reasons so if you do have some feedback requiring a response from us please email it.

We really appreciate the comments about how well the event was run - it means a lot to the whole team so thank you.

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 13:25

Its good to hear so many of you enjoyed UStream Just to confirm I was using the latest G5 Applemac - I checked the Router first - Speed and was getting 16meg download so I dont quite understand the problems recieved at my end. I used the Free UStream app from the site.

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 13:25

I really loved being there this weekend - I was over-tired most of the time, because I was so excited about coming, and a bit "under the weather" too, with some sort of flu thing, but I was amazed to experience the brilliant facilities and organisation.

We really are so lucky to have such a fantastic setup in this country, and it's all down to the guys who put in the effort, and you, the players who have paid for it all by supporting the tour!

I wonder if you removed one table from the Arena room, and put it in the bar area near The Pro Shop - I would be happy to run a schedule of novelty events - perhaps a Break Speed competition, a straight pool high run challenge, fun exhibitions and all sorts of propositions - so even the spectators could get a game, and the bonus would be that we would also have a table available for customers and players to sample and test our joint sponsor's demo cues and shafts?

Just an idea! ;)
[ This message was edited by: BigDave on 2013-02-25 13:49 ]

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eurotour30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 14:01

On 2013-02-25 03:17 , BigDave Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Arfan Dad won the final of the Challenge, beating Italy's Bruno Muratore. I have photos of this coming soon!

ok, website seems fine now. Look forward to seeing the photos.

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 14:13

i had no problems with the stream and i was watching it on my iphone, enjoyed glenn cooney on the commentary as well loll. The format can't please everyone i guess but i like that it offers better prize money in the main event which should be beneficial to the better players and for the lesser players it means they get at least 3 matches over each day so it doesn't feel like a waste of time if they get eliminated early in one event as it was in previous seasons where you could of been out of both events on sat evening. Hard to please everyone but GB9 doing some great work.

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 14:20

All my photos are available to download here...
73 photos in total - if you see less than this it's because they are currently still uploading

...They are unedited, and many are blurry - but they're free, and I can only publish the best of them in the article, so if you want to see more, here they are!

[ This message was edited by: BigDave on 2013-02-25 14:25 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2013-02-25 15:32

The venue was probably the best we have had for a gb9 event. The set up was great particularly the tv table, organisation spot on as usual.

I agree about the challenge event though. I chose not to play in it as I noticed the last 32 was scheduled for 3.30 and if the final over ran I expected this could be nearer 4.30.

I had a 300+ mile journey ahead of me and work early this morning and opted to head home. If the schedule was a reuslt of circumstance then I would have accepted it but the room was sitting empty for at least 3 hours which was just a waste of time imo.

The venue was in the middle of England not Britain :-P

Tour is run excellently though and the work the committee put in is great. I think we need to think of ways to increase the numbers though. For me its not about making the prize money higher, we need to cater for the majority not just the top players and cheaper events would increase entries and in the long run increase prize money.

Like Daves idea of a table in the bar area but the scheduling is reliant on 16 tables for the tournament i guess.

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