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Author Potential

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-05 15:40

Attention all Pool Players

The UPL Pool leagues were launched here on Pro9 back in 2009. We are still here with full administration and set up to offer American Pool players with a league structure that sees all participants win a % back on their entry fees.

Payout options:
1. Just like in the English Football Premier League, all entrees receive a payout.
2. Working alongside the club/league operator we can work out a payout structure that suits YOU!


British 9 Ball Division
The Universal Pool League is a 2 Series, 16 week 9 Ball Pool League.

Handicap System, for all players of all abilities (except Pro Division)

League players: 5 players minimum – 12 Maximum
Each Series = 8 weeks
There is no prejudice in this league. All players welcome!

1st Series will be known as the Winter Series played between Jan – Apr (of each year)

2nd Series will be known as the Fall Series Played between Jul – Oct (of each year)

Bronze - £15.00
Silver - £25.00
Gold - £35.00
Junior Membership: £7.50

I am prepared to use sponsors already sourced and in position to help run a National League Operation. We ran a test of the league at Deansgate, MCR which ran its course (with teething problems) but none the less a success (I think).

Getting into the politics of why this project struggled to gain National recognition is quite apparent, however now irrelevant.

This is a massive undertaking for one person, and I would not seek to do this by myself because of other business concerns. But I am willing to work collectively to pull something off within the first 6-12 months that should resemble a national league structure.

Anyone who is interested then lets make a list (sorry you'll have to do this as my computer tech skils are wayward) and also display your area of expertise that you feel will help things move along.

My personal area of expertise:

Jason Lawrence - Design, Marketing and promotion

The UPL (or any other name a national league chooses to call itself) should only operate out of independent and small chain UK based American Pool clubs.

January is our next open start up window for any operator / league rep that are interested. This gives us 5 months to get this thing together.

Thank you for reading.


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ireland    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 01:55

Hi, all this discourse about American Pool, a.k.a. 9 Ball has me somewhat perplexed. I live in the USA and we have our own problems in pool.

I've said many times that for pool to succeed, everyone needs to be playing by the same rules. Not so in the USA and apparently not the UK. I once owned a pool room here in the states, but the economy, among other factors, shut my doors.

The successful rooms here seem have one thing in common: pool leagues. This can be anything from independent to fully organized and sanctioned like the APA. One local room has both an independent league plus and APA league. Without these leagues, I fear this room would have closed long ago.

There is one thing that is unfamiliar to me in your post:
Bronze - £15.00
Silver - £25.00
Gold - £35.00
Junior Membership: £7.50
Can you explain the different types of memberships & what benefits do the different levels entitle the member. In our leagues, everyone pays the same and compete at different levels, determined by their abilities.

Thanks, Jack

P. T. Barnum was right !

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uk30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 08:40

I think that in this country we don't have the critical mass of 9 ball players it would take to launch a national league comp.

There does seem to be a good amount of interest in general, but it is quite thinly spread and thus gathering people into leagues, particular team based leagues, is difficult.

The logical step for me would be to start something along the lines of the EPA (8 ball) where a national association is formed and then a local league would affiliate to the association.

The association would then organise a number of comps per year, like a "Champion of Champions" or super leage, where affiliated Leagues would nominate a local players/teams to enter. The local leagues could select the the nominations by playing a league, one day comp or even draw lots if they wanted to! :)

The association would provide support and guidance to the local league and maybe give rules and referreeing advice, help on how to run comps etc, but would not have to organise a national league or register of players. This would be handled by the local leagues, thus distributing the workload.

All players need luck, it's just that bad players need more of it!

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 09:59

I think the national association is a good idea but you'll still have the same problems with the thin spread of players.

For example, there are plenty of 9 ball players in Scotland but they're spread across the country which makes travel awkward. We couldn't even get the numbers up for Glasgow.

I think you would first need to build up interest in these areas with smaller 'non pro' comps so the lower skilled players can win money without the pro's taking it all. Targetting students would be good too.

There are plenty of 9 ballers in my position; they are better than the average Joe's in the street but not good enough to win a lot of money with the better 9 ballers. So even guys at my level who love 9 ball won't play if they can't afford to enter these events and win money.

8 ball is successful because almost every pub has a pool table so plenty of guys play. There will always be enough guys up for a league even if it is in a local pub.
[ This message was edited by: MachineGun on 2010-08-09 09:59 ]

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uk30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 10:29

Totally agree machine gun. I think steps need to be taken to promote 9 ball in the UK, they just have to be small steps at first.

Whilst some of the recent attempts are laudable, and to a certain degree have been successful, I think that they tried to go a little bit too far, too soon.

If we can get some form of association of local leagues, and get some of the top players interested, and maybe even a chain of clubs like Rileys or the Hurricane Room, then we might be able to have a few localised promotions. These could be in the form of exhibitions, charity events, a "pro tour", etc.

Keep it small and simple to start with, then as it grows expand it with regional events such as a Mosconi style comp between neighboring towns. Regional champs can then going through to a national final. The list of possibilities is endless.

As always though, the biggest problem is somebody needs to have the time and enthusiasm (not to mention rhino like thick skin :-) ) to drive it. Finding that person (or people) is the hardest part of the process.

All players need luck, it's just that bad players need more of it!
[ This message was edited by: MummyGoose on 2010-08-09 10:30 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 10:55

Uncle Jackie:

The Membership Tier is designed to ensure all members get what they pay for. I have personally acquired several sponsors to get this type of league (product) off the ground.

As like our friend (Machine Gun) mentioned there are many levels of ability to cater for. So if you’re looking for a regular game of Pool, Beers, no hassle, stress free, then the Bronze Membership is for you. Should you choose to enter International Tournaments then the Silver/Gold packages would see the member receive ‘Free’ Entry into such tournaments (at this point I should extend an arm out to the GB9, as this type of package could well incorporate the British Tour?).

All in all, there are many ideas to ponder. Some have more potential than others, but there has to be a starting point.

I also agree with Mummy Goose in that the balance needs to be the correct one. A national league system cannot spread itself out too thin, especially in its start up years.

A ‘league’ association (that represents all players, not just professionals) would bring a central point of contact and is something that is very lacking in the UK.

Affiliation should present growth... Isn’t this what we want?

Ultimately I know one thing. Having played American Pool for ONLY 3 years it is apparent that there are few opportunities for ‘new’ players to learn, educate and improve their skills on a regular basis, unless the individual happens to live near to what few existing leagues that are in operation. And to those guys who do run local leagues, then this BUDS for you!


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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 10:58

speaking to GB9 and being affiliated with them can only help

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 11:55

I agree AWAC.

Firstly, a show of interest from players nationally will help this process as well.

The future could be bright..? But it's out of my hands!


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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 15:03

OK so how many people on here run leagues?

I currently run a league with 12 players

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 15:39

1 Junior (under 18's) league:
Runs Tue/Thurs evenings (Local Youth Club, Bolton).


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uk30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 15:58

After 15 years of running leagues at local and county level, I decided that I'd done my time and so I don't run leagues any more :-D

That said, I play in a local singles league that runs 3 or 4 times per year and consistently has around 32 players in it.

All players need luck, it's just that bad players need more of it!
[ This message was edited by: MummyGoose on 2010-08-09 15:59 ]

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uk30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 16:07

On 2010-08-09 10:55 , thelonewolf Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

A ‘league’ association (that represents all players, not just professionals) would bring a central point of contact and is something that is very lacking in the UK.

On 2010-08-09 10:58 , Anything-with-a-cue Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

speaking to GB9 and being affiliated with them can only help

I was thinking that this is something that "GB9Leagues" could become. I understand Big Tone may have a few other things on his mind at the moment, but once things settle down it might be worth having a conversation with him (or anybody else on the GB9 committee)

All players need luck, it's just that bad players need more of it!
[ This message was edited by: MummyGoose on 2010-08-09 16:07 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 16:22

Would this not be David Morris and the GBPA "Great British Pool Association" ?

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 16:38

We should think and make wise decisions based on the situation.

Is it wise to use a name that unfortunately has come to its demise in a short period?

In addition to this, I should think that the GB9 will be a little more mindful of the use of its name in the future? Can anyone offer a voice on behalf of the GB9 to clear this up?

The GBPA should operate as a central point, but is this something they wish to do at grass roots level or not? By grass roots level, I mean the representation of all UK American Pool Billiard players, of all ages/sex/ability – amateur/professional?


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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-09 16:41

Clarity from both the GB9 and the GBPA is required before we can truly move forward.


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uk30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-10 08:32

On 2010-08-09 16:41 , thelonewolf Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Clarity from both the GB9 and the GBPA is required before we can truly move forward.

Agreed, but lets try to avoid some of the problems the 8 ball community had with multiple organisations.... :roll:

All players need luck, it's just that bad players need more of it!

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uk30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-10 11:51

On 2010-08-09 16:38 , thelonewolf Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

In addition to this, I should think that the GB9 will be a little more mindful of the use of its name in the future? Can anyone offer a voice on behalf of the GB9 to clear this up?


Hi Jason

If you wish for GB9 to comment further on this, please privatly contact Jonathan Mathers (GB9 Chairperson) for any queries like this.

Contact details can be found on the GB9 website


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