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Topic: GB9 Leagues Cancelled

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Author GB9 Leagues Cancelled

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botswana    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 19:32

On 2010-08-04 17:08 , DOOM Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Your a funny guy Benjamin. This isn't North Korea where everything negative comment has to be censored or ignored. It has nothing to do with getting the game going - it is about sorting out what has already happened.
If you don't focus on all the negative comments you will never improve.

I agree with you, I do not believe that your thoughts on anything should be censored or ignored (to the discretion of Mr Knight obviously), particularly if you were an active member of the Leagues.

And focusing on negative comments will have you popping Prozac before long Mr Gloom. I think taking negative comments on board is far better.

Those who are due to win money will receive it.
The final league table will be produced as soon as possible.
Those who still owe money for matches played will not pay.
Tony will be out of pocket.
His pride will recover, as will his bank balance.

I believe these to be the facts.

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 19:57

Sad situation all round. However, I just don't understand why people are so interested in the results. Surely they are irrelevant now and people should move on?

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-05 00:07

On 2010-08-04 19:57 , Riggers Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Sad situation all round. However, I just don't understand why people are so interested in the results. Surely they are irrelevant now and people should move on?

I was only curious as it would be a nice thing to mention to any potential sponsors if I say i finished 6th in the national rankings. We know that this means diddly squat, but will a rich family friend who perhaps isn't that knowledgable? ;)

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uk28    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-05 03:33

I'm very sorry to hear of any personal trouble this may have cause you Tone.

I am just wondering where has all the money that people paid in gone? I could understand if Rileys were adding money then not paying out. This would obviously cause a short fall but as for the money already paid in, where has it gone?

Please dont take this as a personal attack I am just curious as to where the money has gone. I'm sure there is an explanation.

New Money is better than No Money.
[ This message was edited by: BPotter on 2010-08-05 03:34 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-05 12:42

Yes, Tony is obviously going through a very bad time now, and obviously feels let down down not only by some sponsors but also by some of those who participated. I don't think we should add to that, so let's stop dwelling on the negative and look at the way forward.

NB. I am not supporting either party here, not any statement made - I haven't heard the full story, seen all of the evidence, nor been privy to the organisation, and so cannot comment on the rights or wrongs of any party.

Tony - my suggestion regarding the league would be to form it on the results you have now. Submitting the forms etc on time is the responsibility of the players/venues, and if they haven't done that by now, months later, then they forfeit their rights. If any of the people who haven't submitted their forms then grumble about their league placing not reflecting their results, then quite frankly tell them to take it up with their local league organiser or venue privately, not you. But draw a line - I think you've been patient enough and shouldn't show any further generosity to people who are clearly wasting your time.

That will sort the league table out and scratch that problem off the list.

Then just give an indication of a % payout to those placed 1-16 (or whatever), then pay what you can now (i.e. from what you have got) and chase the rest of the money, as you're presumably doing now - paying out to the same % to the same people as you get it in.

Bottom line is this has caused you enough hassle already and so you're best to get it over with ASAP. I hope you come out of this in one piece, and I'm sorry to hear of your personal troubles as a result of it.
[ This message was edited by: OJD on 2010-08-05 12:45 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-05 12:50

I also hope that this hasn't killed off any chance of a future national amateur league at some point. As I've mentioned before, I genuinely think there is a market for such a league below the GB9 level, to act as the breeding ground for American pool players at the grassroots level, prior to progression to the GB9 Tour, and Tony should be applauded for trying to do it, despite the unfortunate eventual outcome. With the GB9 becoming ever more competitive, I can only see the worth of an amateur tour getting stronger, so as I said I hope that something can be organised in the future. I for one would be interested in actively supporting it if a proposal were to be pulled together.
[ This message was edited by: OJD on 2010-10-08 21:52 ]

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uk    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-05 13:36

I agree OJD and that was the gap GB9 Leagues was meant to fill. I was suprprised recently to see a new 'tour' launched that on the face of it was an attempt at another GB9 but back in Rileys clubs. Now it's morphed into something slightly different and there are lots of similar events around the country so no lack of people wanting to get involved in some way. It would be nice to see this energy channelled into building an effective and well managed amateur game that compliments rather than competes with GB9, as the Leagues was intended to do. It would need a strong and well organised leader to pull it all together but it could be done and I'm sure with a bit of clever thought it could be done in a simpler, less risky way than the leagues.

On reflection I think the leagues was too ambitious given the environment it was working in and there were too many risks that were difficult to mitigate.

[ This message was edited by: Riggers on 2010-08-05 13:37 ]

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-05 14:43

What you need is a player who has knowledge of the game to help set up leagues in every club.

For example me and Aslam have formed a 9-ball league which has max 16-20 players. At end of the league divisions of 4 are formed and then there are play-offs between 1-4, 5-8, 9-12 etc and the finalists pick up respective prize funds. We worked out that if 4 divisions prize money is split as follows:-

Division 1 - 30%
Division 2 - 25%
Division 3 - 25%
Division 4 - 20%

Forget 9-ball at a national level yet, just get loads of little leagues set up in each club. It's important to get people to taste what 9-ball is like first. I don't believe that many players really know what 9-ball is as pubs only play 8-ball, and most casual players only know 8-ball as 'Pool'.

A bit of a rambloe but I think you can see where I come from.

In summary, more players need to take responsibility together in their own areas, rather than relying on one man to take the fall when it goes tits up.

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-05 15:16

Attention all Pool Players

The UPL Pool leagues were launched here on Pro9 back in 2009. We are still here with full administration and set up to offer American Pool players with a league structure that sees all participants win a % back on their entry fees.

Payout options:
1. Just like in the English Football Premier League, all entrees receive a payout.
2. Working alongside the club/league operator we can work out a payout structure that suits YOU!


British 9 Ball Division
The Universal Pool League is a 2 Series, 16 week 9 Ball Pool League.

Handicap System, for all players of all abilities (except Pro Division)

League players: 5 players minimum – 12 Maximum
Each Series = 8 weeks
There is no prejudice in this league. All players welcome!

1st Series will be known as the Winter Series played between Jan – Apr (of each year)

2nd Series will be known as the Fall Series Played between Jul – Oct (of each year)

Bronze - £15.00
Silver - £25.00
Gold - £35.00
Junior Membership: £7.50

I am prepared to use sponsors already sourced and in position to help run a National League Operation. We ran a test of the league at Deansgate, MCR which ran its course (with teething problems) but none the less a success (I think).

Getting into the politics of why this project struggled to gain National recognition is quite apparent, however now irrelevant.

This is a massive undertaking for one person, and I would not seek to do this by myself because of other business concerns. But I am willing to work collectively to pull something off within the first 6-12 months that should resemble a national league structure.

Anyone who is interested then lets make a list (sorry you'll have to do this as my computer tech skils are wayward) and also display your area of expertise that you feel will help things move along.

My personal area of expertise:

Jason Lawrence - Design, Marketing and promotion

The UPL (or any other name a national league chooses to call itself) should only operate out of independent and small chain UK based American Pool clubs.

January is our next open start up window for any operator / league rep that are interested. This gives us 5 months to get this thing together.

Thank you for reading.


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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-05 15:34

i suggest u may want to open this in a new thread to attract attention

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-05 15:39

Will do!

Thanks AWAC

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uk    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-06 14:54

im not sure why its hard for people to understand that i entered my family and myself into a competition £300 aprox that is not pin money to me regardless to that i just think the final standings should be made.. if sheets are not handed in by now they should be scrapped and players who have not paid by now removed.we were told no pay no play and late sheets no score, but for those who paid ON TIME, should be able to see the results. (not mentioning what happened to me or my family in Rileys, not making it personal) if u run any comp even a free raffle results should exist.. prize money is another issue... this is not a personal attack i just have no other way than ask.

Im the best and even if you beat me im still the best
[ This message was edited by: thecyclone on 2010-08-06 14:57 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-06 15:15

On 2010-08-05 12:42 , OJD Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Yes, Tony is obviously going through a very bad time now, and obviously feels let down down not only by some sponsors but also by some of those who participated. I don't think we should add to that, so let's stop dwelling on the negative and look at the way forward.

NB. I am not supporting either party here, not any statement made - I haven't heard the full story, seen all of the evidence, nor been privy to the organisation, and so cannot comment on the rights or wrongs of any party.

Tony - my suggestion regarding the league would be to form it on the results you have now. Submitting the forms etc on time is the responsibility of the players/venues, and if they haven't done that by now, months later, then they forfeit their rights. If any of the people who haven't submitted their forms then grumble about their league placing not reflecting their results, then quite frankly tell them to take it up with their local league organiser or venue privately, not you. But draw a line - I think you've been patient enough and shouldn't show any further generosity to people who are clearly wasting your time.

That will sort the league table out and scratch that problem off the list.

Then just give an indication of a % payout to those placed 1-16 (or whatever), then pay what you can now (i.e. from what you have got) and chase the rest of the money, as you're presumably doing now - paying out to the same % to the same people as you get it in.

Bottom line is this has caused you enough hassle already and so you're best to get it over with ASAP. I hope you come out of this in one piece, and I'm sorry to hear of your personal troubles as a result of it.

Couldn't put it better, this is exactly how I see it

Im the best and even if you beat me im still the best

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posticon   Posted: 2010-09-21 14:56

BCould anybody who is owed money from this please drop me an email with your name and the amount owed, if you don't mind? My email is

Could you include "GB9 League" in the subject line please.

I have nothing to do with the organisation, I just wish to speak to you about it privately.

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-09-22 22:16

Hey big tone

I recall something in older posts about an update at the end of sept or something. This was due to your discussions regards the issues you were having with sponsors or partners or something.

When will the final standings be posted or has this all been sorted??


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posticon   Posted: 2010-10-07 09:02

Any news?

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posticon   Posted: 2010-10-07 19:29

I' sorry but all i can say is that it with solicitors at the minute and i cannot comment further on anything GB9 Leagues related.



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posticon   Posted: 2010-10-08 22:41

Thanks for coming back tone appreciate there is some stuff still going on fair shout. Will we receive an update once the legal stuff sorted or is it out of your hands now??

[ This message was edited by: BigDave on 2010-12-26 15:35 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2010-12-23 20:17


any news on GB9 league stuff, last time you posted it was with Legal etc.....

When do you feel a resolution can be made to allow payouts etc?


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posticon   Posted: 2010-12-26 15:29

Deleted by user.
[ This message was edited by: OJD on 2010-12-26 20:44 ]

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