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Topic: GB9 Leagues Cancelled

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Author GB9 Leagues Cancelled

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-03 12:09

On 2010-08-02 19:27 , BFrench501 Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

I'd like to know the results of the league standings, even if I don't get any money.

I empathise with Tony's situation and I wish him all the best in sorting it out.


Hope this is off your back sooner rather that later mate...looks like great ideas and good intentions has really backfired on you....not what any of us wanted mate im sure....

Hope this gets sorted soon mate

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cuba    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-03 13:37

Just because it has backfired on the organiser isn't the players that have paid fault. Whenever tournaments around the world fail to pay up there is uproar on these forums. This is the same thing on a smaller scale. People want to know the results of what they have paid into. Even if you don't pay out why not just say who finished where?

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uk30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-03 22:54

On 2010-08-03 13:37 , DOOM Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Just because it has backfired on the organiser isn't the players that have paid fault. Whenever tournaments around the world fail to pay up there is uproar on these forums. This is the same thing on a smaller scale. People want to know the results of what they have paid into. Even if you don't pay out why not just say who finished where?

No but it is the players who have played but NOT paids fault. i personally didn't enter the leagues but i dont think jumping on Tony's back is going to do anybody any good. The man has said he'll pay it, now just give him some time to figure it out

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cuba    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-03 23:46

"Jumping on Tony's back?"
The guy has had a lot of time already to sort it out. While this league isn't the most important thing in the world & any prize money would be minimal anyway - it is just highly annoying to be made a fool of.
No matter how sickly nice people try to be, the league failed for one reason - It was woefully organised.

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blank    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 00:29

calling it woefully organised is again jumping on his back. you ran any tournaments recently doom? by the sounds of it the man is sacfrificing a far bit and for the sake of a few quid let him do it properly and in time. how would u feel if u ran a sponsored event, got let down and had to pay put for the sponsor. not great i would imagine, and im sure u wud chase them up for as much time as possible? correct me if im wrong but i know im not..............

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 01:18

lets get certain things straight.

1, i still see players who owe the leagues money, on a weekly basis, whom have no intention of paying there dues.

2, Working with other organisations takes time to resolve any issue. where it involves more than one organisation the delay should be multiplied.

3, As for minimal prize money i will be likely to be paying just above £2,000 out of my own pocket.

4, As for badly organised i can prove - beyond doubt - and i will, that the main cause of the delys was because of the lack of commitment shown by RILEYS.

It has not been public knowledge because i have refrained from a public debate over their incompetencies. However maybe now i am the target, it should.

I have carried the can for this organisation since February and now that i am personally under attack i wont.

Be warned ANYONE who tries to counter this statement.


I have now lost my home and pretty much my lifestyle because of your failings. I have the apologie letter from your Director because of his failings.

The American pool world which is truly kept in contempt by your company (proven by your Directors comments as detailed to you) and deserves no loyalty from the players.

I will publicly stand before the players and pay everyone in person out of my pocket when i am able. Could you say the same? a multiple million tunover company?? obviously not.

There is always 2 sides to a story, but in this case i have (as the little man) been threatened by Rileys and their resources!.

Well lets get it on.

I cannot loose any more than i have.

And just in case you think this is a bluff a hard copy of all correspondence has been made for my solicitor, Please lodge a complaint and go for it!.

Wait you cant, cus you know i have the evidence to prove otherwise!

Today its Mr Weafer.

Karma eh MK?

Conscience free.
[ This message was edited by: BigTone on 2010-08-04 02:44 ]

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 09:27

i know tony and is a good friend and people believe me he is a man of his word and will pay everyone out when he is able to, keep coming on here and saying the same things every time is not doing anyone any good, for people who keep putting post on here regarding the issues read tonys last post he is not in hiding and has stated the reasons why it didnt take off, i play from rileys and i didnt put a team in does that mean im to blame i know how hard it was at our club to drum up players to commit to this it was frustrating and i suppose that was the response from most clubs even though i saw all the pulicity that was in place for the leagues which was very good it was the response from players that was poor, so wouldnt it be fair to give tone a little breathing space to sort not only the league but get back to a little normallity in hisl life as well,

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 10:14

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[ This message was edited by: BigDave on 2010-08-04 10:56 ]

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cuba    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 13:27

Some comments are fair but all it seems is that he is trying to pass all the blame to Rileys, yes it was Tony's league idea, he sold the league to players and took all the entry monies from players and it was from his structure that the league took place, so it is as much his fault as Rileys. Yeah Rileys might not have done their bit but that was obviously going to happen - after all - everyone knows that 99% of Rileys staff know nothing about pool. Plans should have been in place to counter it. All that has happened is dates have been repeatedly promised by the organiser when things will be done by - these have come & gone, leaving players with nothing positive to say about it, which is understandable.

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 13:40


if you want me to reply to that why not tell us your name? I have nothing to hide. Do you?

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cuba    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 13:54

Tone you have already said earlier that you wouldn't be posting on here again yet you keep coming back?
This isn't a game, we don't know each other personally. There is nothing for you to reply to. That is the situation that has occurred. Anyway who thinks otherwise is a fool.

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cuba    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 13:57

It appears you do have something to hide - The results of the league that finieshed a few months ago?

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uk30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 15:31

On 2010-08-04 13:27 , DOOM Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Yeah Rileys might not have done their bit but that was obviously going to happen

Personally I dont think you can justify that comment if the board level at Rileys have made agreements with him, regardless on if the staff know nothing about pool.

As for letting things calm down, by the sounds of it Tony has, and still is, going through a very stressfull time at the moment. I'm not making excuses for him but he has tried to run a national league, on his own, for the good of the game. Yes this may have been a mistake, but that mistake has now been made and can't be taken back. If Tony has said he'll pay the entry fee's then he will. This i am sure of.

As for the league results...what does it matter for any other reason than payment? Why would he hide league results? I personally think that certain people are jus using this as an excuse to bait Tone out IMO. He has already stated several times that he is still awaiting scoresheets and results from certain clubs so it may not even be possible for him to publish these yet. Can't go publishing results that are not right, can you imagine the uproar if he put them up now only to have several scoresheets submitted by 1 club which changed who got paid?

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botswana    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 15:57

On 2010-08-04 13:54 , DOOM Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

This isn't a game

You're quite right, it isn't. But let's play one.....

For every negative comment regarding the Leagues, you must follow it up with your suggestion of how to get the game moving at grass roots.

Is DOOM's surname 'GLOOM' by any chance?

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 17:01

On 2010-08-04 10:14 , BFrench501 Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

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How is saying that if a company promoting pool doesnt actually respect the game disgusting breaking the rules??

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cuba    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 17:08

Your a funny guy Benjamin. This isn't North Korea where everything negative comment has to be censored or ignored. It has nothing to do with getting the game going - it is about sorting out what has already happened.
If you don't focus on all the negative comments you will never improve.

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cuba    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 17:09

Like I said it is like North Korea or China on this website.

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 17:57

Doom grow up, tone asks for your name, you dont give it. most of you guys are just broken records blaming the organiser over and over again!! really frustrating guys trying to be inovative with this game, let down by what are bad instititutions "Tony's league idea, he sold the league to players and took all the entry monies from players" clearly people havent all paid up. how much do u believe you are owed? grow up and be patient

richard main
[ This message was edited by: Anything-with-a-cue on 2010-08-04 17:59 ]

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cuba    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 18:56

Patient - What are we waitiing for - Christmas?Everything I have said is true. It is a simple solution. Why doesn't he just cut out everyone who hasn't paid up and just do the table & any prize monies based on those that have paid. Even if we know who won it would be better than not knowing anything at all for months.

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posticon   Posted: 2010-08-04 19:03

you seem quite childish, or ona personal vendetta which is it? have you met tone? i have only on maybe 2 occasions, but it is clear he is very genuine and only set out to do good, stop winging and just wait if you need your pennies that bad you should not have played!

richard main, what is your name btw?

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