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End of Period 1 |
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-05-17 00:08
Hi all We have now come too the end of the first period of league play. And i'll be the first to say not without issues. However i hope you have all enjoyed the chance to play competitive pool on a weekly basis and that you are using your discount cards to your full advantage!. There are numerous changes for Period 2, which begins week commencing Sunday 30th May. We wil see the introduction of a fully automated scheduling and results system that will enable the managers of the clubs to record your results in a matter of seconds and thus in turn update the league table within minutes. A revised payment system will be in place so that will be administered at the club. And i am about to email our members tomorrow with an idea for handicapping the league. Feedback - good or bad, is welcomed to: comments@gb9leagues.infoall comments and suggestions will be looked into. Finally i'd like to say thank you to all those that took part over the last 12 weeks and by Friday 21st the final standings for the league table will be produced. Big Tone
Home away from home Joined: 06-Dec-2009 Posts: 163
Posted: 2010-05-23 09:37
Hi GB9 League team
can u please advise what is the plan for going forward with the below as I don't seem to have had an email
> what are the 1st period standings and payouts?? > are the fixtures going to change for the next period and what is the plan for tomorrow?? > will the payout format structure change fr next period?? > are there any changes we need to know about before the first match of next period with scoring, do are we still playing the same first to 9 with 1 bonus point and and frames after 10 are not worth anything??
Thanks paddy
ps sorry I tried to send it via the any comments link but was not having any luck with that in my computer for some reason. >
Home away from home Joined: 06-Dec-2009 Posts: 163
Posted: 2010-05-23 19:18
Sorry got Mondays mixed up. Starts week on Monday , however questions above still valid
Thanks paddy
Just popping in Joined: 23-May-2010 Posts: 4
Posted: 2010-05-23 19:51
hi, im interested in joining the league, but will not be able to do so for about a months time. would it still be possible to join the league in a month, even if period two starts in a weeks time. thanks, jfry
Home away from home Joined: 22-Oct-2006 Posts: 628
From: Bournemouth
Posted: 2010-05-27 09:12
Is anything more going to happen with this league! We need to see money splits. Final League table. Results of every match, who beat who etc. (as i'm sure some results you have are wrong from Bournemouth and i will not be convinced on league split unless i see results!) How the next 12 weeks are going to work? Handicapped system? League needs to change way money is payed out. You can't base it on games won at your club ranks you nationally for the money. It just does not work. 1 great player at a club full of bad player will always win the money. If you handicapped it then it could work but i don't have the confidence GB9 leagues could create a fair handicapped system. At the moment this league is really not creating a good impression for 9 Ball in the UK things really do need to step up a gear. New league is suppose to start in 3 days and still nothing! Still no reply from my 12 paragraph email on 6th May! Tone i appreciate all you are trying to do and have offered help if needed but currently the league does not fill me or any of the player at Bournemouth with confidence. Our league had around 16 players last year but since joining GB9 leagues has dwindled to 8 players because of lack of confidence in league. 3 day before league is suppose to start and i think we all need to see some major changes or i know Bournemouth will be going back to its old league. ----------------- Money won is twice as sweet as money earned [ This message was edited by: contrakid on 2010-05-27 15:25 ]
Just popping in Joined: 28-Apr-2010 Posts: 11
From: Bristol
Posted: 2010-05-27 10:50
I also have not received any emails about the new format/period 2 arrangements? The league table on the website hasn't been updated either?
Does anyone know what is going on??
----------------- "I'm the best you've ever seen Fats, I'm the best there is, even if you beat me i'm still the best."
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-05-27 14:36
To answer the overall question of why has there not been an update and the discussion about the changes to the format of the next period is quite simple.
I am still chasing results and payments from players and the clubs. This Contrakid includes your club.
results and payments are being chased daily and each club will have a list by tomorrow of the defaulters and outstanding results required.
Please note Contrakid it is your club where players just stopped playing and never bothered to tell us. It is also your club where i had the most problems collecting the money.
if you think we have a wrong result, this could only of been supplied to us by your club, which is why all clubs are asked to keep all result sheets and submit them to us at the end of each period for audit.
It is very easy for you to sound off on here, and make an argument look one sided, but trust me, there are reasons for any delays you may see.
There are numerous ways in which the leagues can be contacted privately (as which you have previously done) and this is the way it should be.
Yes this will be possible, please register your details at and you will be included in the update brief. Thank You
Those questions will be answered in the brief once the payment/result issue is resolved.
Home away from home Joined: 06-Dec-2009 Posts: 163
Posted: 2010-05-27 18:03
Ok tone thanks. If you have any payment issues with our club in Sunderland please let me know as I know all the lad and am 99% sure we are all done. Although a few results seem to be wrong which we have discussed and I emailed u about privately.
Thanks P
Home away from home Joined: 28-Mar-2010 Posts: 1598
From: Leicester
Posted: 2010-05-28 07:43
Tone, 1) How do you realistically expect people to pay up now? Club managers are not going to bar customers as they lose business overall so the threat of being barred won't guarantee payment. Players who have already got no chance of earning money will not cough up. I know of one player who owes money and has said 'they can **** off if they think they're getting another penny'. 2) What if players don't pay up, then what? Do prizes just get scaled down accordingly? And at what point does this take place? 3) The next 12 weeks needs to be delayed until this is sorted. It is unfair to play without knowing what the correct scoring system is. Like contrakid said, to do national ranking on clubs alone IS unfair, that's the only reason I was joint 6th at week 8 and will probably still be. 4) Are you going to merge Club 147 and Leicester Rileys together into one league? As far as I know Club 147 will only have 4 players (assuming I go over). That surely isn't right. This question may not even need answering if Leicester Rileys get their own way - all of them want to pull out and do their own in-house league! I would use email Tone, but I don't want to clutter your inbox, and others may assist my answers in your absence. Sorry for being a pain in the back side 
Home away from home Joined: 22-Oct-2006 Posts: 628
From: Bournemouth
Posted: 2010-05-28 09:34
Sorry I had to post on here but GB9 leagues refuse to reply to my email dated May 5th as has happened previously 8th April also tried calling but your number has changed so it seems the only way to get a response is to post here.
In email i expressed my concerns about incorrect scores as one of our players has been filling in and signing score sheets 17-0 when his opponent has not turned up and other players new about this and wanted answers from you about it. Emails were not answered so player once again pulled out!
Also scores are incorrect for at least one or 2 of our players as at one stage when you could see matches played and matches won and lost he had lost 2 when he had really lost none. Hence we really need to see all match results online so we can check its correct as its easy to put a score back to front etc.
Players have been pulling out because no fixtures for first 2 weeks, needed new fixtures because of players pulling out Rileys managers said they chased you but could not get hold of you and could not get new fixtures for another 2 weeks so no games were played.
Players also pulling out as league structure was so unclear.
No food for first 4 weeks and still no discount cards for Rileys food and drink.
Communication needs to be better, GB9 Ball Tour communication is seconded to none and cannot be faulted and this is part of the reason it works so well. GB9 leagues is so vague its skeptical if it was even going to carry on.
These problems may be partly due to GB9 Leagues lack of communication and also willingness of Rileys managers to oversee the running in local clubs and also down to players not doing there part. All i can suggest is that if the league continues in an acceptable format then I run the league at Bournemouth for you get people to pay you on time and collect and send you all results plus inform players what is going on and generally manage the league locally, all for free just because i care and want to see it work as we need something like this and Bournemouth for what ever reason seems to be an area that needs someone to baby sit it.
I'm sorry if i sound negative and hopefully it is working well in other clubs round the country but as i'm sure you will understand i love the game and want to see it grow in the UK and when i see a league i have run for so long fall apart because i recommend everybody in my league should sign up for GB9 leagues it makes me concerned to say the least.
Home away from home Joined: 28-Mar-2010 Posts: 1598
From: Leicester
Posted: 2010-05-30 09:33
On 2010-05-28 09:34 , contrakid Wrote:!!! QUOTE !!!
Also scores are incorrect for at least one or 2 of our players as at one stage when you could see matches played and matches won and lost he had lost 2 when he had really lost none.
Hence we really need to see all match results online so we can check its correct as its easy to put a score back to front etc
Just playing devil's advocate here (if that's the right phrase) but shouldn't it be both players responsibility to a) verify the correct score b) sign accordingly. I haven't once had a wrong result I don't think, and none have any others at our club. On 2010-05-28 09:34 , contrakid Wrote:!!! QUOTE !!! Players have been pulling out because no fixtures for first 2 weeks, needed new fixtures because of players pulling out Rileys managers said they chased you but could not get hold of you and could not get new fixtures for another 2 weeks so no games were played.
Players also pulling out as league structure was so unclear.
No food for first 4 weeks and still no discount cards for Rileys food and drink. I had no card for 4 weeks, annoyed me rotten that I'd paid £20 and got nothing for it. But that isn't Tones fault. As for structure though, I knew I had 12 weeks worth of games. What's unclear was who you would play one week to the next. I have played the same guy twice but avoided playing somebody else altogether (although I would beat them anyway). I hope that a swiss system is implemented and then if you play someone twice, that comes as matter of circumstance of both winning so many games. On 2010-05-28 09:34 , contrakid Wrote:!!! QUOTE !!! Communication needs to be better, GB9 Ball Tour communication is seconded to none and cannot be faulted and this is part of the reason it works so well. GB9 leagues is so vague its skeptical if it was even going to carry on.
These problems may be partly due to GB9 Leagues lack of communication and also willingness of Rileys managers to oversee the running in local clubs and also down to players not doing there part. All i can suggest is that if the league continues in an acceptable format then I run the league at Bournemouth for you get people to pay you on time and collect and send you all results plus inform players what is going on and generally manage the league locally, all for free just because i care and want to see it work as we need something like this and Bournemouth for what ever reason seems to be an area that needs someone to baby sit it.
Agreed - communication is poor. Blame lies at everybodys door not just Tony's. Our club manager has been good in facilitating results and making sure everybody knows who they're playing, if a match needs to be re-arranged etc. I think a player should be assigned in every club to help the manager with the local running of the tournament - someone who understands the rules/format etc and cares about the league more. I will also volunteer to help you Tone in any way that I can. It is obviously far too much to deal with by one self, if I can at least help out with certain things ie fixtures or something else just let me know and I'll try to help out. I'm sure others will if you allow us, we all want GB9 to be a success and until it looks more professional it will not be taken seriously. [ This message was edited by: Administrator on 2010-05-30 10:16 ]
Quite a regular Joined: 06-Jun-2007 Posts: 67
Posted: 2010-05-31 08:59
Is anyone else having trouble getting on the GB9 Leagues website? I can not access it.
Moderators Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 11008
From: England
Posted: 2010-05-31 09:29
Nope, I'm getting access to both of them fine... Maybe it was a temporary glitch?[ This message was edited by: BigTone on 2010-05-31 23:31 ]
Just can't stay away Joined: 24-Dec-2009 Posts: 147
Posted: 2010-05-31 16:46
Does anyone know if the Shepherd's Bush league starts again tomorrow?
Home away from home Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 2201
From: Rotterdam
Posted: 2010-05-31 18:19
I have sent emails but not received a reply yet.. Can you do me a favour and call the club and ask if Hassan or Hussein have received any info? I would love to do it myself but still in Costa Rica... Thanks Oliver! Please let me know via email or something... Cause Nik should still have my folder with all the papers and stuff....
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-05-31 19:05
Ive just got in, and am about to addres and respond to all emails, but firstly, Shir, You text me at 10.25 last night and had an immediate reply so what you on about??
OJD - Sheps bush will not start tomorrow. You'll all get an email in the next couple of hours asking for your opinion on changes to the league.
Once replies are collated i will issue a new start date for each club including 4 new clubs.
Home away from home Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 2201
From: Rotterdam
Posted: 2010-05-31 19:32
Sorry Tone, but not got a reply... Not sure about the mobile network in Cost Rica as it's been going and coming for the past 2 weeks... Might come in later? I can check emails when I'm at work.. 
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-05-31 19:34
Ok, will stick with emails. next one due in about 1 n half
Just can't stay away Joined: 24-Dec-2009 Posts: 147
Posted: 2010-05-31 21:11
Cheers Tone. I've also just dropped you an email re: feedback, so let me know if you don't get it.
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-05-31 22:21
Just gonna take five from answering emails to say Thank you to OJD.
Of all the emails received that was very constructive and thought provoking.
Your input is appreciated.