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Home away from home Joined: 28-Jan-2010 Posts: 232
Posted: 2010-03-09 10:01
"Muse: members have voices and are heard and considered. You are not a member and are nothing more than a trouble causer. I will not rise to your constant negative posts."
The last time I checked I was a fully paid up League/County player!
Home away from home Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 2201
From: Rotterdam
Posted: 2010-03-09 22:56
Shepherds Bush is getting a good "little" group together... 16!!! 
Home away from home Joined: 06-Dec-2009 Posts: 163
Posted: 2010-03-16 20:35
Hi GB9 Team, Please can you give any updates on what the situaion is with the tables etc.... We cant seem to see any updates up to now?? not sure if we are looking in wrong place. Also can you advise on the below. 1. Payments are due for the next month, (end of next week is it?) Are you wanting these via Paypal as previous etc??? 2.Bye's, we have noticed that 1 player in our league has only 1 bye after 12 weeks and everyone else has 2, appreciate as you say on the league sheet any extra byes needed will be given a 9-0 award to be fair, will this also allow for the 1 bonus point??? As every point will count (as we are finding our league it is close due to a good standard) and if a match could have been played then that 1 point could be a big deal in placing etc....if a win was achieved.? 3. Also what was the decision around making the all 17 frames played however, not to award the winning player any extra points for getting more than 10....the reason I ask this is that you mentioned the reason the all 17 are played are to be fair to the other player so they can possibly get some extra points if say 9-2 down, surley this should also apply to the winner to keep going should he win by more than 10........cos if you win 10-7 you actually dont get any bonus (other than a little frame difference)..... if every point counted than you would never be ''really'' out of it.....e.g. if you need to win 13 points of 15 points you know that should you have a cracking set you can claw it back...... seems a bit bias to the person who actuall may have lost.....however appreciate the winner will get an extra 1 point should they win (but not if they get to 10). 4. Also how will it work with 16 players (as advised in last post by shir), this would mean that not all players can play each other in the 12 this not a bit un even......i always thought a league format was for everyone to play every one to give it an equal ground/...... in the above the 2 best players out of the 16 for example may never play each other.....which is a bit silly, its like man u and che not playing in the has to be played..... sorry for all the questions...just when you start all these things pop up.. apprecaite you guys are working hard on this, we are just trying to help and these points have been raised by the guys in sunderland so are asking. thanks, appreciate your comments. P Sunderland Rileys. [ This message was edited by: Paddymoffet on 2010-03-16 20:38 ]
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-03-16 21:54
Hi Paddy
all good valid points / questions which i'd like to answer to the fullest, however i moved house yesterday and am still unpacking - so a little pre occupied.
Will have my comp set up and will be back working on the leagues late tomorrow, when i will answer your questions in full and complete the league results as well.
Big thanks to all the great comments at the weekend as well.
Big Tone
Home away from home Joined: 06-Dec-2009 Posts: 163
Posted: 2010-03-16 22:10
Thanks BT, was not aware you were moving house...i have done it about 6-7 times in last 4 years...its very stressful  .. Thanks for getting back. P [ This message was edited by: Paddymoffet on 2010-03-16 22:10 ]
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-03-18 18:42
Just a heads up,
a number of clubs have processed the results incorrectly and this has resulted in me not being able to complete the league table today.
I will phone each club concerned tomorrow to get the correct results and will email a plane english document to all clubs on how to record results.
Big Tone
Home away from home Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 2201
From: Rotterdam
Posted: 2010-03-18 18:48
are mine ok?
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-03-18 19:24
they are now 
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-03-18 19:53
Q, Please can you give any updates on what the situation is with the tables etc....
A, Hi due to inaccuracies in the recording of fixtures it is necessary for me to phone all clubs tomorrow to confirm their results.
Q, Bye's, we have noticed that 1 player in our league has only 1 bye after 12 weeks and everyone else has 2, appreciate as you say on the league sheet any extra byes needed will be given a 9-0 award to be fair, will this also allow for the 1 bonus point??? As every point will count (as we are finding our league it is close due to a good standard) and if a match could have been played then that 1 point could be a big deal in placing etc....if a win was achieved
A, The decision was based on the following. The player getting a Bye wasn’t necessarily guaranteed to win that fixture in the first place, and at best for losing could of gained 8 points. The flip side is at best he/she could of won and got 10 points so the halfway ground is 9 points. Im open to suggestions and alternatives by PM or email if you wish to offer another option
Q, Also what was the decision around making the all 17 frames played however, not to award the winning player any extra points for getting more than 10....the reason I ask this is that you mentioned the reason the all 17 are played are to be fair to the other player so they can possibly get some extra points if say 9-2 down, surely this should also apply to the winner to keep going should he win by more than 10........
cos if you win 10-7 you actually dont get any bonus (other than a little frame difference).....if every point counted than you would never be ''really'' out of it.....e.g. if you need to win 13 points of 15 points you know that should you have a cracking set you can claw it back......
Seems a bit bias to the person who actually may have lost.....however appreciate the winner will get an extra 1 point should they win (but not if they get to 10).
A, Gonna be a bit grey here, sorry not intentional. It is a concept that me and three other players came up with to try and encourage everyone to get the best score possible, no matter what the result.
Early indications on the league results I have already suggest it will work well over the course of the 12 weeks. Should it not I am happy to tweak it at that stage via feedback from members.
Q, Also how will it work with 16 players (as advised in last post by shir), this would mean that not all players can play each other in the 12 this not a bit un even......i always thought a league format was for everyone to play every one to give it an equal ground/......
in the above the 2 best players out of the 16 for example may never play each other.....which is a bit silly, its like man u and che not playing in the has to be played.....
A, Ok, in football for example a team could not join the league half way through the season. If they could it would not be feasible due to the time constraints of the calendar to play all missed matches.
In the GB9L the fixtures allow for new players to join at any stage, however they cannot claim any games already missed. This gives the member who joined up first a natural advantage.
Q, In relation to having (for eg) 16 players and some not meeting each other that is just the luck of the draw. Only I can allocate a place number on the fixture table therefore not allowing a player to rig the fixtures so he dosnt have to play another on purpose.
A, Please remember this was originally intended to be a team league and the last minute changes dictated we would have to break standard procedures in some areas. These growing pains can’t be helped and I think it will be best to reflect and ask for members opinions at the 12 week stage.
Big Tone
Home away from home Joined: 06-Dec-2009 Posts: 163
Posted: 2010-03-18 20:34
Hi BT,
I spent about 15 mins writing a reply via quote and it timed out..ha jesues cant remember what i wrote now...ha
basically apprecaite where your coming from and its still a work in progress. As you say after 12 weeks feedback can be used where needed.
Q. with regards to late players should they come in 2 weeks into the 12 does this mean they can only play 10 games and everyone else in theory would have player 12??? thats the way i read the above...
Q. Apprecaite the thoughts to allow the losing player to play on and gain more points should they be e.g. 9-2 down, however i do feel this is slighty one sided, as the winner is only gaining frame difference which may not really impact the position in the league table, where as the points the loser could make up could......
thanks P
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-03-18 21:31
i hate it when that happens Q1, correct the player coming in late has the natural disadvantage. which i think is fair as it rewards the players who took the time to sign up when asked. Q2, interesting point. lets see how it pans out with the league results as a whole, maybe as an update for start of p2 we could include all frames. Cheers Tone [ This message was edited by: BigTone on 2010-03-18 21:31 ]
Home away from home Joined: 06-Dec-2009 Posts: 163
Posted: 2010-03-19 07:17
Cheers BT, And the last one from me  , for now  Whats the plan for next payments etc.....paypal? and by why?
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-03-19 10:15
Hi as everyone who is playing managed to pay their memberships by paypal, its probably easiest to use that. the link is under the sign up tab on our website. If a certain person who did most his club payments needs another way please pm and we can sort it out  payments due by Monday please. Big Tone
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-03-19 17:42
ok Guys n Girls.......
The League tables are done...... ish!
unfortunately we are waiting on 1 club to supply results for their 6 players. i'll give them till end of today to provide them or i will post the tables as is tomorrow.
Gotta say some very interesting results, i would never of put certain names in their respective current standings! just goes to show league pool is very different from tournament pool!!.
I did notice a few certain people are stacking games up, this is not acceptable. if you have an outstanding game(s) they must be played by your next home match or i will void the result. There is only one club with a good enough excuse and that was Bristol - They were on fire (so best let em off for that eh?)
League tables coming soon!
Big Tone
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-03-20 18:51
Home away from home Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 2201
From: Rotterdam
Posted: 2010-03-20 20:57
what happens if the person you're supposed to play can't make it and also won't be able to play the catch up match? don't you get points then?
Home away from home Joined: 17-Mar-2006 Posts: 329
From: harrow middlesex
Posted: 2010-03-20 21:38
how many points do you get for a win and is it that we have to pay for the next 4 weeks now
Home away from home Joined: 24-Mar-2007 Posts: 370
From: London
Posted: 2010-03-21 00:56
Can I still join or is it to late?
----------------- New Money is better than No Money.
Home away from home Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 2201
From: Rotterdam
Posted: 2010-03-21 09:37
sorry forgot to text you back... Fill in the form online today and pay... and I'll try and get you in this week....
Home away from home Joined: 04-Dec-2006 Posts: 507
Posted: 2010-03-21 12:29
On 2010-03-20 21:38 , nipper Wrote:!!! QUOTE !!! how many points do you get for a win and is it that we have to pay for the next 4 weeks now Hi Nipper 10 points for a win, but all racks count, which as you can see creates some interesting reading at the top!. Every rack really does count, especially if your near the money zones!. Big Tone