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Author 2014 GB9 Paul Medati Trophy

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england    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2014-05-18 00:09

I would say all 3 are comfortably ch1. Interested to see criteria for challenge divisions unless it was just a case of levelling the 2 up in terms of numbers.

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-18 06:40

I went along to watch yesterday and yes entry may have been low unfortunately but as always standard was high and conditions were excellent nice venue and tables, committee guys as usual have worked their socks off putting this together they even had a table in side room where big dave was running little challenges such as speed pool and various other things aswell as his club shop. im not sure what the answer is to get entries up again but all players out there if you can afford to play even in one event I recommend it the chance to mix it with the best of uk and play against messrs peach boyes gray etc is a chance not to be sniffed at

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-18 11:53

I have not played on 1 my self but I hoped to this year until it turned out most would be held up north apart from 2 I think being held in Daventry which is still a large distance for me to travel meaning very high costs but this is were the problem is as I know 4 other players near me and it costs them no more than £100 more to play the euro tour instead as we are very close to Stansted airport so given the choice between them this is what they do as far better value for money. GB9 needs more venues imo as the cost for me to go to the 2 venues in use this year means its just not worth it, last year they played an event at Stansted which I went to watch and was a great event for it to not be held there this year for some reason? :(

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-18 13:09

On 2014-05-18 11:53 , rick-c Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

I have not played on 1 my self but I hoped to this year until it turned out most would be held up north apart from 2 I think being held in Daventry which is still a large distance for me to travel meaning very high costs but this is were the problem is as I know 4 other players near me and it costs them no more than £100 more to play the euro tour instead as we are very close to Stansted airport so given the choice between them this is what they do as far better value for money. GB9 needs more venues imo as the cost for me to go to the 2 venues in use this year means its just not worth it, last year they played an event at Stansted which I went to watch and was a great event for it to not be held there this year for some reason? :(

Not sure you can say they are up North, remember its a Great Britain Tour of which Scotland is a part of.

Even not going to that extreme look at Newcastle area which I believe Adam Benn Smith hails from the journey times i think are as fair as the tour can make it.

Apart from Blackpool i would say they are pretty much centre England.


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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-18 13:54

so only thing gb9 can do is drop there prices or get the hotel to which we know the answer to lol otherwise for £100 more people will just stay on euro tour so they have to do something as its only going to end in 1 way at the moment

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-18 17:31

I think we all need to support these events. Get behind it and keep the sport alive in the UK. If they keep moving venues there will be no prize money at all Rick. Let's make this thread positive and maybe suggest any ideas. Something does need to change but to make it worth changing we all need to support and appreciate what the GB9 team do. Players will miss it if it stops. Personally I had a great weekend sure I didn't play my best but the social side was brilliant. GB9 a must for anyone who plays. Support support support!!!!!!. Well done to Mark Gray for winning main event and to Adam Benn Smith for beating me... that guy is a beast of a player.
[ This message was edited by: wildman147 on 2014-05-18 17:32 ]

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europe30    avatar

posticon   Posted: 2014-05-18 20:37

Great event and great coverage again on Ustream. Daventry was a little too far for me unfortunately, however I'll make every effort to get to Blackpool next month to spectate having not been to a GB9 event before. I concur with Wildman, it would be a shame to see the Tour stop.
[ This message was edited by: Fulcrum on 2014-05-18 20:38 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-19 10:23

The Tour is a very good tour, in my opinion if we could just get a minimum of 96 at each tour stop then that would be great... A lot of people go on about expenses but everybody has hobbies.. This Tour has only 5 weekends away a year, if your a challenge player i think theres a lot of value as it turns out £40 entry fee for each comp they play and r playing in great venues with very good equipment etc etc
For Pros it works out a £100 per event which sounds a lot, but most if not all pros r gonna cash of some sort,and this weekend in a 16 man pro event,8 got paid!!! Last 8 £175, Semis £225 R/up £450 and Winner £1000... So come on boys and girls lets get behing our great tour and keep it going for many more years to come........


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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-19 10:58

Yeah I agree the tour is ok value in terms of entry free, the entry is as low as it can be imo.

I just think the other costs are killing it at the
moment, mainly hotel both for the players and the tour (set up costs) and travel costs.

I also think, although the tables are nice, they can play a bit tough for the average amateur, even for a good amateur if you arent cueing well they are tough. This is the problem, for a professional event the tables should be tough but we rely on the lesser players to make the tour work financially.

I agree we should focus on being positive though and th etour is very professional and very well ran. A few ideas to improve:

- more side events, was pleased to see speed pool played this w/e, more of that is great
- i would have a shot clock on the tv table, i watched some streaming and found it slow at times
- proper ability split between c.tier 1 and c.tier 2, even if this is done via discussion rathewr than rankings

I think the tour to be back to where it was needs more than 96 players. To create a buzz about the place i think 120 should be the target.

Once again, big respect to everyone who works ont he tour, not a lot of others would do what you do and everyone should remember that.

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-20 23:59

As a spectator to a few Telford tour events I think everyone associated with the tour can be proud of what it has evolved in to with their hard work, time and support. I just wonder if the addition of some smaller 2 day events, under the GB9 banner, running in between tour stops and without the bells and whistles (the lap top scoring system and lugging 16 x 9 footers around the country) may bring new and old faces alike back to our sport. I think the hotel flagship events should stay but also run 3 or 4 capped entry events around the areas where 9 ball has a following (North-west, Barnsley, Solihull, Ipswich and M25). Reduced field and entry fees. No obligation to stay in a specific hotel and no haulage expenses for Andy and the team.

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-21 00:03

I am implying that these smaller events should be held at your Escape, Hurricane Room, a Mickeys or Rileys like back in the late 00's. It may not be to everyone's taste but would bring additional funding to the tour and hopefully rekindle people's interest for the game. Just my idea - feel free to shoot me down.

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-21 00:50

I am not here to shoot you down in any way but from were i live what you have put forward is basically the t9 tour run by phil which is run very well but being from Essex i am not sure if they have the same sort of thing up north but adding this to GB9 i do not see helping much at all but as i said we have t9 events to play and i am not sure of local events up north but they would either compete with t9 or lose out to it but this is only my opinion

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-21 07:42

I have played on the t9b and think the 2 could co-exist. The pro players who are exempt from amateur t9b events may appreciate the extra tournaments

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-23 09:20

I'd like to see GB9 and T9B to join forces and bring the two types of events together in some way. I wonder if reducing the number of GB9 Hotel Tour Stops to a couple of major events with the rest of the season made up of T9B event would work. I'm not sure if either T9B or GB9 would want (I don't speak for GB9 anymore) that but am just thinking out loud.

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-23 11:12

Main problem with that idea is t9 is amateur only so would not help pros in any way but tbh I think they should be kept apart any way but I agree something needs to change with gb9 but from my point of view gb9 entry fee for weekend is fine but add travel, hotel etc just makes the whole weekend to expensive for me

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-23 11:52

On 2014-05-23 11:12 , rick-c Wrote:

!!! QUOTE !!!

Main problem with that idea is t9 is amateur only so would not help pros in any way but tbh I think they should be kept apart any way but I agree something needs to change with gb9 but from my point of view gb9 entry fee for weekend is fine but add travel, hotel etc just makes the whole weekend to expensive for me

There's no reason why T9B and GB9 can't get together and come up with a formula that would work for both. I think it's important for pool that both keep going so in my mind it makes sense for them to become more joined up.

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-23 12:41

I do see your point riggers but I still do not see a reason they should as its not gb9 as a comp that is the problem its the cost of the whole weekend and I don't see how them teaming up would change that?

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-23 13:27

When you consider the facilities and organisation and quality of the event I do not see how you can complain about the cost. I think it's awesome value and anyone who really loves pool as a hobby should count themselves very lucky we have such an amazing tour in this country. We have conditions and organisation / quality of event that is unmatched by ANY other national association.

Yet I fear the players are throwing it away by nit picking over this and that instead of embracing it and getting involved. It's quite typical in the UK and at the end of the day pool players will get what they deserve.

[ This message was edited by: Riggers on 2014-05-23 13:27 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-23 13:33

I think the attitude of players needs to change and we should appreciate exactly what we have with GB9. Travel cost is irrelevant as it would be the same if we were playing in a run down pool hall.

Entry is £40 per comp at each tour stop for Challenge players which is excellent value for money.

Accommodation wise players are paying £82 per weekend instead of say £40 for a Travelodge and in return are getting fantastic hotels with full use of facilities, the best playing conditions on the very best equipment and free play/practice on tables every night.

I just don't get this 'it's too expensive' attitude, appreciate what we have and get behind GB9 before we lose it.


Andy Warden, GB9 - Authorised Pro9 forum advertiser/sponsor √
[ This message was edited by: cueman on 2014-05-23 13:34 ]

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posticon   Posted: 2014-05-23 13:44

Years ago people were paying just as much to play on the tour in rubbish clubs than they pay now to play GB9 in hotels and like Andy says they don't have to pay 7 quid an hour to practice before or after the event either. It just makes no sense to say it's too expensive. Even a pint of larger or bitter is cheaper in our hotels than it is in my local pool club!

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