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Home away from home Joined: 26-Apr-2006 Posts: 268
Posted: 2006-04-28 10:50
i wanna get a new cue and need some advice on what to get. i am a gettin a nine ball cue for the first time an was wonderin what is best value for money. cheers for any help/info. i dont wanna spend the earth.just a few suggestions would be good.
Home away from home Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 1520
Posted: 2006-04-28 16:13
Best value for money in my opinion (pro cue for reasonable money):
McDermott Joss Falcon Pechauer Viking Predator
Quite a regular Joined: 15-Mar-2006 Posts: 43
From: Sussex
Posted: 2006-04-28 18:55
What sort of money are you looking to spend 9m we can all probably give you some good advice once we no your budget.
Home away from home Joined: 26-Apr-2006 Posts: 268
Posted: 2006-04-29 15:16
about 40-50 quid tops. cheers.
Home away from home Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 1520
Posted: 2006-04-29 15:49
Ok, I think you can forget any of the cues I have listed. Perhaps Tricky Pool can help.
Just can't stay away Joined: 14-Mar-2006 Posts: 121
Posted: 2006-04-30 03:10
40-50 quid?
If you go down to your local garden centre, I reckon you could get one of those bamboo things that they hold up plants with for about 10 pence.
Then you could wrap some string around the bottom of it to create a handle.
Why not draw, carefully mind, using an ink marker, some arrow shapes. This will definately ensure that your 'cue' is indistinguishable from the real thing.
Finally... pop a Le Pro tip on the top and Bob's your Uncle!
Stick + string + inky + Le Pro = £2.50. Unless you can get a Le Pro cheaper!
Seriously though...
I think you should try to increase your budget a little.
"40-50 quid tops" will only get you a fancy looking cue which plays about as well as the one I've described above. ie. worse than your average house cue.
If, however, you raised the spend to roughly £100-150, you could buy a Cutech cue. They're not to everyone's liking, but they're straight and play well. Ask Earl Strickland. Or Alison Fisher.
For that sort of money you might even pick up a second-hand Predator or Meucci. Guys upgrading their cues are usually willing to pass on the old one for a few quid.
I think that if you are willing to spend £50 on a cue, then you must be starting to take the game seriously. Unfortunately, and I don't know the reason for this (Big Dave?), whilst £50 might buy a fair quality snooker cue, there aren't many decent pool cues around for this price.
Keep us posted.
Good luck.
Quite a regular Joined: 15-Mar-2006 Posts: 43
From: Sussex
Posted: 2006-04-30 08:52
Cues between £30 to £60ish are basically the same quality of Cue with various different coloured designs. If you could raise your budget to nearer £100 Kruger have some nice Cues and there is also Rileys Centurions a new range which are good for the money. Id personally avoid CueTech not a fan of heavy fibreglass shafts. Like Blue Suede said there is plenty of quality second hand Predators etc out there also. Diamond May be about to help you there? Over to you Simon 
Home away from home Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 1520
Posted: 2006-04-30 09:13
...I have a nice line in Szamboti's These days I just concentrate on the higher end stuff. Cues come in from time to time but I leave all that for the proper dealers like Tricky and Jazzy Just. If your budget was £1500+...then I have loads of cues for you to look at. Good luck with finding a cue. If you are sticking to your £50 budget, I would go to a Rileys Club and check out what they have rather than go to a general sports shop.
Home away from home Joined: 26-Apr-2006 Posts: 268
Posted: 2006-05-05 16:56
funny man blu suede! thanx for the help. [ This message was edited by: 9m on 2006-05-05 16:57 ]