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Nine Ball Plant |
Home away from home Joined: 17-Mar-2006 Posts: 251
Posted: 2006-03-20 21:00
Just wondered how good you lot are when it comes to planting the nine ball? I used to be scared of the nine and even a simple plant on the ball i would avoid but of late ive been really aggressive towards.
Infact my mate and me had a little race to three on saturday (just before the club closed) and i won the match 3-0 after playing about 5 shots. The plants worked a treat. Its really helped my confidence in my all round play aswell. Im willing to take the harder shot when sometimes i would play safe.
The point of this thread is even if the layout on the table seems easy would you try to sink the nine as early as possible or avoid it? Im talking about taking on failry tough plant shots here...not your basic straight forward one.
Moderators Joined: 15-Mar-2006 Posts: 1967
From: Surrey
Posted: 2006-03-20 21:11
Avoid it.
I would only plant the 9 if I had cue ball in hand with an easy combo or maybe if balls are tied up and the layout is hard.
Moderators Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 11008
From: England
Posted: 2006-03-20 21:31
If I've got ball-in-hand and there's a cluster or two hampering the run out, I might be tempted to have a cheeky try at a tough combo, but play it so that my opponent will be snookered if I miss.
Some tables with more generous pockets will see me trying all sorts of combos - scares the heck out of your opponent if you get a few early.
If I'm playing on a table with tight pockets I'll only take on dead certs.
Some people can make ridiculously difficult combos look easy.
Quite a regular Joined: 15-Mar-2006 Posts: 68
Posted: 2006-03-20 23:50
On 2006-03-20 21:31 , BigDave Wrote:!!! QUOTE !!! Some people can make ridiculously difficult combos look easy.
Reyes for one makes them look extremely easy.
Home away from home Joined: 18-Mar-2006 Posts: 823
Posted: 2006-03-21 00:56
I think that Dazza might agree with me on this and most other players I think that playing a combination on the 9, is a shot that although can be great, but carries a huge risk of throwing the rack away, I believe as a player, there is a right and wrong time for playing a ?-9 Combo, e.g 1. If I opened the stack and say I make the 1 in the side and the 9 rolls to a corner pocket and sits there, if I have got the cue ball and the 2ball in a way that I can play the 2-9, then yes, I will garb the combo by the throat and sink it without hessitation , BUT!!!.... 2. If I broke and there was a combo on the 9, but with an easy out, then I'll go for the out because even if I hit a bad positional shot, there is always a much better chance that I can play some kind of safety and try to get ball in hand to finish the out It just depends on the layout, how good and confident you're playing and also the distance between the balls, but also, you gotta know whether to play a combo or a carom onto the 9 , but I know that the only combo on the 9 I like, is the 9 sinking on the break , that is the ultimate combo shot It's mostly down to the individual Anyways, take good care everyone and I look forward to hearing more responces on this , Nice thread Dazza Willie P.S. if anyone has got info on the BPPPA tour stop 7 in Bristol on June 27th-28th, please give me a hollar as I'm going to join onto the tour and possible play full time
Moderators Joined: 15-Mar-2006 Posts: 1967
From: Surrey
Posted: 2006-03-21 01:01
On 2006-03-21 00:56 , TheWizard Wrote:!!! QUOTE !!! I'm going to join onto the tour and possible play full time You cannot make a living playing pool just on the BPPPA, we are yet to scale those heights in the UK
Home away from home Joined: 14-Mar-2006 Posts: 749
From: Hertfordshire
Posted: 2006-03-21 10:00
Going for 9-ball combos can sometimes look desparate. It's like if the person is a couple of racks behind and they start attempting combos then you know you've a great chance of winning. It's like they aren't confident of running out or aren't prepared to wait for the right chance. Having said that, I love them. I've had a few matches when I've done 3 0r 4 combos. If you do a good combo it scares the other player and puts them under extra pressure every time you snooker them. But most pros can clear up without going for a combo. I've seen players turn down quite easy combos and stick to what they know best!
Home away from home Joined: 14-Mar-2006 Posts: 530
Posted: 2006-03-21 10:28
full time Wullie? You play all the time anyway and still cant pot noodles!
Just can't stay away Joined: 14-Mar-2006 Posts: 95
From: Reading
Posted: 2006-03-21 10:33
Home away from home Joined: 17-Mar-2006 Posts: 991
From: Southport
Posted: 2006-03-21 11:31
I always say you should try and run out if possible before even considering a combo. Having said that I think I must hold some sort of record cause I think I combo'd five 9 balls on my way to beating Phil Burford 7-3 at Manchester so maybe im contradicting myself.
Home away from home Joined: 17-Mar-2006 Posts: 251
Posted: 2006-03-21 11:34
Maybe lol....
Home away from home Joined: 14-Mar-2006 Posts: 749
From: Hertfordshire
Posted: 2006-03-21 13:02
QUOTE: full time Wullie? You play all the time anyway and still cant pot noodles! Destroyer I don't pot noodles I prefer super noodles. Besides I've seen your game. Its like haggis - AWFUL!
Home away from home Joined: 14-Mar-2006 Posts: 530
Posted: 2006-03-21 15:13
what on earth are you on about expectpluke? I was replying to my good friend Wullie not you, ya half wit. Beat it ya fanny! [ This message was edited by: Destroyer on 2006-03-21 15:14 ]
Home away from home Joined: 18-Mar-2006 Posts: 823
Posted: 2006-03-21 18:15
ROFLMAO lol;, nothing changes with you Davina lol, I just knew that you were gonna say the very last part lol Have you run out of Mr Sheen for your head already? lol, How's it goin buddy? Take care everyone Willie