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9-Ball Topic: who has their own table?
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who has their own table? |
Home away from home Joined: 26-Apr-2006 Posts: 268
Posted: 2006-05-18 11:08
i have heard most uk based pros have their own tables e.g. hitman has a brunswick gold crown iv. do u any of u guys have a table at home if so which one?i wanna get one soon.
Moderators Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 11008
From: England
Posted: 2006-05-18 11:40
Not me! 
Home away from home Joined: 18-Mar-2006 Posts: 823
Posted: 2006-05-18 16:33
To be perfectly honest, I don't think that there is really an advantage to having your own table and I'll tell ya why  If you have your own table and play on it constantly, you lose the ability to adapt to different tables and so when it comes to playing in a tournament, you start to misjudge alot of even the simplest of shots because that table is playing different than your own table does  and so although it sounds great to have your own table, but it's not really gonna make to be as good a player as you might think it would, but it would help you put the practice hours in  Take care everyone  Willie P.S. Just on a note for this topic, I was actually going to purchase a pool table for home use, but I decided against it for the very reasons I mentioned above 
Just popping in Joined: 16-May-2006 Posts: 2
Posted: 2006-05-18 16:55
To the wizard, i have got a mate who has his own table, this is for 8 ball, its a slugish super league table and when he goes to great yarmouth he plays on a super quick supreme table. But if you have your own table it helps to keep you sharp, if you know what I mean? Potting balls on your own 9 ball table is the same as potting balls on a club table, the only thing you have to worry about is the speed of the table, the cushions and maybe a slight roll. But as in human nature we are built to adapt to different conditions even in Pool. You will get used to other tables just give it time. ----------------- P Brown [ This message was edited by: The_Flapper on 2006-05-18 16:56 ]
Quite a regular Joined: 01-Apr-2006 Posts: 50
From: North East
Posted: 2006-05-18 17:54
having a table will benefit players who are strict enough to have perhaps a fixed practice routine.
I have not got 1myself but know someone who has and 1 thing that struck me was the atmosphere was so different to a clubs which can really throw you off if you then try to play in a club with all the distractions!
Having said that if anyone has any spare brunswicks, please send to .................!!!!!
Just can't stay away Joined: 10-Apr-2006 Posts: 127
Posted: 2006-05-18 18:15
I would give anything to be able to have my own table to practise on that doesnt get abused on a daily basis by idiots but i havent the space to house 1. Not only does it mean you can practise on a good quality table but also concentrate on your game rather than trying to ignore the kids and drinkers, sorry more valued customers than serious players that the clubs local to me are run to attract! Plus you dont have to keep an eye out for some1 trying to nick your stuff whilst your practising.
Moderators Joined: 13-Mar-2006 Posts: 11008
From: England
Posted: 2006-05-18 19:42
I was reading on another forum that some guys in Ireland have "chipped in" together and rented a room in town to put a practice table in it, because there was nowhere decent to practice!
Home away from home Joined: 18-Mar-2006 Posts: 823
Posted: 2006-05-18 21:39
That sounds like it's quite possibly the guys in Dublin, that may have chipped in to rent the room for a table because I know that the pool hall in Camden street were charging around 15/hour and on most nights, you could only play for an hour and that's it, that you couldn't rent the same table for another hour, but I might be wrong, so please don't quote me on that  I know that there are some advantages to having your own table, but there are disadvantages too, if you're playing in a pool hall/bar, etc and you play on the same table every time you go there, you'll find yourself becoming a 'Conditioned' player, whereas if you're playing in your club and say you move to a different table after every 2 hours or so, not only will it keep you sharp, but it also gives to the ability to adapt to a different table alot faster  and it doesn't matter how many tables there is and if they all have the same cloth, balls, cushion rubbers, they will all play quite a bit different from another table  and also, playing in a club more often give you stronger concentration levels, by taking interest in what you're doing instead of what is going on around you  , if you're concentrating, there is no such a thing as distractions in any club  This is what I'm saying, but there is no doubt that it would be great to have a table of my own, but I'm happy playing in a club  , there's more people to play against that way  Take care everyone  Willie
Just popping in Joined: 16-May-2006 Posts: 2
Posted: 2006-05-20 02:07
Wizard I mean if you have your own table it is easier to get your arm going because you would be on the table more, every tables different in all cue sports. If you are going to worry about each table you play on, you might aswell not play. Every table you play on you have to adapt to. In my opinion there is no such thing as a Conditioned player (e.g Steve Davis snooker and pool player), you can say people are used to those conditions but all players can adjust, we are not robots! With your own table you will have more time to practise, there are many things which take time to practise, If you have a good potting and positional game, the key ingredient is shot selection in every cue sport is shot selection, in 9 ball its what angles to leave yourself to make sure you can get on to the next ball with ease. Alot of people are good potters and positioners but you need the experience your own table could give you to develop your shot selection to make it easy for your self. If you dont belive me watch Ronnie O'Sullivan he keeps it easy but thats hard. Plus it might cost alot in the short term, but its will save you loads in the long term. Sorry I am not making any sense I've had a drink. ----------------- P Brown [ This message was edited by: The_Flapper on 2006-05-20 02:10 ]
Just can't stay away Joined: 14-Mar-2006 Posts: 121
Posted: 2006-05-20 02:19
I never make any drink either until I've had a thought....
Home away from home Joined: 18-Mar-2006 Posts: 823
Posted: 2006-05-20 04:06
LMAO  lol Martin OK Flapper, first I'm gonna let you into a secret, I've been playing 9 ball since a before it even dreamt of being played in the UK, I have been playing cue sports for 20 years and I have gained alot of knowledge in that time  No matter what game you play, it's about angles, not about just making one ball to get to the next  Now, to a degree, you're half missing my point, and yes I know what you're saying about the advantages of having your own table, especially being able to practice whenever you like, but I know of guys of have got their own table and are lucky if they can get the time to play on it  There was a point that I did have the use of a table to myself, even though is was an American Bar Box in a church hall, that a friend of my dad's worked in and although I was playing good, it was solo practice because no-one had the mascrani's to play me, not even playing 1 handed. I think that if you took the time to read 'The Straight Pool Bible' by Hall Of Famer, Aurthur 'Babe' Cranfield, he says himself in the book that it is recommended that you switch tables every hour, as this gives you a much faster ability to adapt to a different table, and I don't mean as in different games, I mean as in the same tables, same cloth, same cushions, balls, etc and I guarrantee you not there's not a single 1 of those tables that will play exactly the same as the others  , every individual table has it's own character, in terms of whether there's a jumpy or a dead rail, or whether the cloth might be stretched a little tighter than on the next table or how the pockets are alligned, when the rails were put back on after the table was last service/recovered and also, a room has different changes in the air quality, like one part of a room will have slightly more humidity than another part and yes that does also affect how a table plays  Now in terms of being able to practice more, then yes having your own table is good, but in terms of being able to adapt much sharper and quicker to different tables, like you would be required to do in a tournament, then I would pick playing in a club every time, but I would only play in a club that does look after their equipment  , after all you don't want to play on table where the pockets have been torn off or that you get 3x 11 ball and 2x 7 balls in the same tray  I guess that it's a 50/50 thing and that it is down to personal preferrence  darn I love a good discussion  Take care everyone  Willie [ This message was edited by: TheWizard on 2006-05-20 04:08 ]
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